We have selected our primary software provider and we are pretty happy about it.

After a month and a half of research, 200+ emails, 20+ conference calls and conversations with experts on the subject matter we have decided on a software package to use for our business. Hooray ! Champagne to everyone !

What we wanted is an all in one solution, which wasn’t easy to find at all. Some vendors provide a solid PMS system, other offer Channel Manager services which can connect to anything or good looking websites. So, we digged more, because we were sure there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

We are pretty happy with our selection so far. Channels – check. Slick interface – check check. Modern and fast website – check and mate. Did we mention awesome customer service and user manuals ? No ? Oh, yes, we got that too.

Ok, time to run to learn the system and configure the same and make our owners and guests proud and happy. Thank you !

Oh, almost forgot. Here is our new website: www.oneloverentals.com

Please let us know if you have  any suggestions or ideas. We are here for you.

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